Friday, November 9, 2007

Billable Resources

Resource ... हाँ यही नया नाम है अब मेरा। एक ऐसी पहचान जो मुझे software industry में आकर मिली ... जिस से मुझे पहचाना गया ... और सिर्फ मुझे ही नही बल्कि यहाँ काम करने वाले हर एक employee को मिली है ये पहचान।

Resource ... एक इंसान से लेकर resource बनने का सफर कब तय हुआ, पता नही ... कब मैं एक हाड-मांस के सांस लेते हुए प्राणी से एक मशीन में तब्दील हो गयी। Software industry में आकर मुझे पता चला कि लोग कैसे अपनी identity खो देते है ... यहाँ आपको आपके नाम के बजाय आपके id number से पहचाना जाता है ... ठीक उसी तरह जिस तरह मशीन को उसके नम्बर से पहचाना जाता है।

Software industry में आकर resource तो मैं बन गयी थी, पर तब billable resource क्या होता है ये पता न था। तब एक दोस्त ने कुछ इस तरह समझाया - "जब आप project पर होते है तो आप जितना भी समय उस project पर काम करते है, उतने समय का client bill चुकाता है ( मतलब कीमत) ... और billable resource होना अच्छी बात है वरना आप company के लिए कुछ नही कर रहे है ... ।" मतलब जिस तरह किसी वस्तु का उपयोग करने के लिए उसकी कीमत चुकाई जाती है उसी तरह आपके समय का भी bill चुकाया जाता है। Deadline, जो कि हमेशा ideal होती है, तक काम पूरा करना होता है, चाहे इस के लिए मशीन को 8 घंटे काम करना पड़े या 16 घंटे ... आख़िर कीमत चुकाई गयी है।

और जब मशीन थक जाती है, तो उसे उठाकर company के बाहर उसी तरह फेक दिया जाता है जिस तरह दूध नही देने वाली गाय को मरने के लिए रास्ते पर छोड़ दिया जाता है। कुछ दिन पहले तक रहा billable resource पुराने unused software version कि तरह company से बाहर कर दिया जाता है। वो resource जिसने company के फायदे के लिए खुद को इंसान से मशीन में तब्दील कर दिया, आज कोई काम का नही रह जाने पर company से बाहर कर दिया गया है। Company, एक business, जहाँ लोग तब तक रहते है जब तक वो billable हो।

यहाँ पर नारायण मूर्ति कि कही ये पंक्तियाँ याद आती है -
"Never fall in love with company, because you may never know when your company stops loving you."


Yeshpal said...

Very interesting article. But I have a counter argument for this. If company stops making profit and do not pay salary for few months, how many of its employee will stay with the company.

Ruchi said...

For its answer i have one argument -
generally these companies are private sector companies n when a person can't work for a long duration of time say for more than 6 months due to illness or accident or if he/she dies accidentally how many of these companies fulfill their social responsibility. How many companies allow medical leave for long durations and then pay medical bills or how many companies take care of families after death of employee ..

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice and good effort. I do agree with you. But everybody is a Billable Resource and we need to do work. Work is required to live and to live, we has to earn money and remember 1 thing, even GOD needs to pay bills... anyways keep writing...its a fair attempt to do fair work.

Ruchi said...

Thanx .. i agree that people work to earn money and companies are business .. they also have to earn money .. they run to make profit .. but should it be at the cost of humanity, should people be treated like money making machine and not like human being. After all we are human being .. life is first n then money ..

Yeshpal said...

India has seen both socialist economy (read govt. companies) and capitalist economy (read private companies) in a very short period of time (major transition happened in last 15-20 years). Now judging from my experience I would say socialist economy was doing more injustice to a person than capitalist economy. Because, from your example pvt sector is not rewarding you for your past work in case of an emergency whereas in Pub sector often your current work get unrewarded. I am not trying to defend the in human behavior of some of these companies but this is the natural outcome of the philosophy of capitalist society. I want to write more but one of the best (or worst) capitalist economy of the world is demanding more work from this machine.

Ruchi said...

There are advantages and disadvantages of both public and private sector. Private sector is good from the point of view of efficiency, productivity etc. but how they make their employees to work like a machine .. to get more and more output is what I want to say in this post.

Tulsidas Shinde said...

Today came to blogging mood and just came across to this post.Sach bata tune kis hasti ko dhyan mei rakhke ye post likha...:) ..Jokes apart,I have few unbaised opinions ..
The post starts with calling yourslf as a resource.fine,But I guess that is not name given to you .It defines a position/image you are looked into by the organisation which eyes at a higher level.It's not specify to Software enngineer.For eg.if you talk about sports ,you would be identified as 'Player'.Similarly identification includes as composer,singer,etc..In our industry instead of Player ,we are identified as a Resource...I am also open to the fact that the company will look for it's own benefit.You work and you get paid.I guess ,no industry will pay for no work.Just a simple reason..I can't work free for a company because I love it.I will work as long as i Know on EOM I will get my salary to support my family.So ,I have to accept the fact,the moment I am unable to delivery,the company can terminate me,unless you have really worked for the company life long and added extraordinary value to it.I do accept that few firms showcase themselves as employee friendly and display good culture to work with.But behind the scenes add horrible clauses which restrict the individual's freedom.